Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Freedom of Expression, from Behind Bars


Artist: Ashfaq
Artwork Code: Ap-ash-007
Availability: In Stock
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 30 Inch

Everyone should have the chance to discover their positive side. Not many people have the vision or understanding to provide this chance to those who may need it the most.

In 2007, a Fine Arts School was established in Karachi Central Jail. The idea was to not let human resources further waste away; to provide them a constructive outlet, and to give them the chance to discover something positive inside themselves. This simple step of reaching out to jail inmates and providing them a ray of normalcy has changed the course of lives of some of the inmates.

In 2009, the first exhibition of works prepared by these art students was held in the jail premises. Naturally, given the security conditions, only a handful of people visited the exhibition. The venue was then shifted to art galleries, and has since been warmly received by Karachiites. 

Sikandar Jogi has been teaching these prisoners the art of art for the past 8 years.  He has taught this skill to over 500 prisoners to date. When I first entered the classroom and saw the prisoners I was terrified. Gradually I got used to being around convicts arrested for murder, terrorism, drugs, fraud, theft, kidnapping and other crimes. Now I feel honoured and gratified that I can draw such work out of them and create this change in their lives. The result I get is very rewarding.

After the success of the program in Central Jail, it has been implemented in District Jail Malir as well. Sikander Jogi teaches in both Art Schools three times a week in the school hours of 9 to 1 and 2 to 5. These inmates are not artists. They had no previous art experience.  We have assembled this exhibition over 15 months.

When you enter the room, the sight of the vibrant paintings with the artists names on the side is disconcerting and unsettling. It opens an unknown portal out of your comfort zone and into unchartered emotions where a prisoner is not a numbered criminal but is a human with a name whose feelings have suddenly been exposed to you.

Artist: Faraz
Artwork Code: Ap-far-007
Availability: SOLD
Medium: Water Color on Paper
Size: 18 x 24 Inch
Artist: Ahsan
Artwork Code: Ap-ahs-001
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 28 Inch
Artist: Husnain
Artwork Code: Ap-hus-002
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 24 x 36 Inch

A maze depicts the feeling of being trapped; religious calligraphy is the sign of timeless hope through prayer; landscapes with open fields and skies, a running horse and a butterfly in flight show longing for freedom.  Bleak, barren landscapes display 
despondency. An unlocked padlock on a shut door is a poignant symbol of hope amid despair. A ship sailing in stormy waters shows the defiance and resilience of the human spirit.  A child holding an adult's hand in a doorway is nostalgic. Bright colours and everyday themes show the desire to stay in touch with and return to normalcy. 
Artist: Javed
Artwork Code: Ap-Jav-008
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 14 x 20 inch

Artist: Akber
Artwork Code: Ap-akb-002
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 18 x 24 Inch
Artist: Rafaqat
Artwork Code: Ap-Saj-002
Availability: In Stock
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 26 Inch

Artist: Kazim
Artwork Code: Ap-kaz-011
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 18 x 24 Inch

Artist: Kazim
Artwork Code: Ap-kaz-002
Availability: In Stock
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 24 x 30 Inch
Artist: Husnain
Artwork Code: Ap-hus-009
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 14 x 14 Inch

The soulful art is obviously a cathartic vent for their desolate state. It humanizes them and creates empathy in the viewer.

Visitors at the gallery were appreciative of the exhibition. A good response to their positive effort will encourage the development of their positive side, said Nina Qadir.

A total of 112 pieces of art by 16 different artists are on display. Some of the artwork is quite impressive. Several pieces were sold within an hour of the opening, especially the strong abstract work, as well as my personal favourite piece showing Islamic architecture.

Artist: Kazim
Artwork Code: Ap-kaz-003
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 24 Inch
Artist: Kazim
Artwork Code: Ap-kaz-009
Availability: SOLD
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 14 x 20 Inch

All the artwork has been kept at a very reasonable, uniform price, and all proceeds from sales will go to the imprisoned artists and their families to encourage them to explore better avenues for themselves.

ARTCITI, the host gallery, explains: We aim to provide them an opportunity to channel their energy into something positive, along with a chance to raise self-respect and confidence within themselves in order to become positive contributors to the society. By encouraging these convicts to move to a better path, we aspire to create a greater Pakistan, and hope to see our fellow citizens being a part of this cause.

Details of the exhibition can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/544597559016696/?fref=ts

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