Friday, 27 February 2015

Fitting Back into My Old Clothes Challenge: Day 7

DAY 7: FRIDAY 27.2.2015

An important dieting tip: a buffet lunch during a diet session is a bad idea.

Since I had made this commitment before I started dieting, I went ahead with it. But I knew there was no way I could have a diet meal portion with a buffet lunch. Even though I took a small spoonful of some of the items, the total quantity I ate was equal to what I had eaten altogether in the past 4 days, without exaggeration. My weeks diet unraveled on that plate. I went back to mindless eating in the face of all that food laid out ready to eat. I ate it even though it was nothing spectacular. (Ok, the breaded deep fried prawns were good, which must explain why I ate so many of them.)

For the rest of the day I had 2 cups of green tea and a few bites for dinner, because I dont believe in sleeping on an empty stomach.

After brunch I went to visit a friend. Her house is booby trapped with junk food. Every nook and corner, every crack and crevice every cushion you turn or pillow you lie on has some junk food lying surreptitiously in wait for you to succumb to it.  After the ignominy of the brunch, I had just a few chips.

Junk Food Trap laid out in every direction:


Signs of the fallen

Today I did an hour of medium-paced rowing to work off the deep-fried prawns.

Since I will be spending most of the day out of home, I have packed whatever food I can to eat on the go so that I don't have to eat junk in a food emergency, which is making me feel like both a baby and a very senior citizen.

7.00 am
Coffee with milk
9.00 am
10.00 am
Boiled egg
11.00 am
12 noon
Biryani and raitaalways biryani for Friday lunch. Ill eat  
less of rice and more of chicken.
1 00 pm
Ginger qahva
3 00 pm
A small bowl of salad
5 00 pm
Some sweet potato
6 00 pm
A date and some nuts in yogurt
8 00 pm
Eating out at Biryani of the Seas. Ill try and eat a small portion of something grilled.
9 00pm
Green tea to wash it off.

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