Saturday, 21 February 2015

Fitting Back into My Old Clothes Challenge

Once upon a time I used to be painfully skinny, in the days when skinny wasnt fashionable. 

After a lot of mindless eating (made possible by being with people who indulged in a lot of mindless eating) I finally put on weight - so much weight that one day, when my eyes finally saw instead of just looking, I could not recognize those flabby arms, legs, bums and tum.  

The shock of that sight galvanized me into working for 2 years to lose all that fat to reach a happy, healthy medium, with a combo of consciously eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, something I had never done before.

The results were satisfying. I became more active, alert, flexible, mobile and productive, not just physically but also mentally. My persistent allergies became less persistent. My general health tests and scans started yielding good results.

Of course the satisfaction had to turn to complacency. I received my wake-up call yesterday when I wore an old short-length shalwar qameez. 

Mission: Must fit back into this

I could barely squeeze into it and though I insisted on wearing it, it was strangling my whole torso from neck down. I weighed myself and discovered I have put on 15 kg since last year.

Since I have started exercising I can make some weight provision for muscle mass. But theres a limit to that provision. The rest is clearly fat mass. This was inevitable with my steadily increasing eating out, food portions and intake of junk food, mostly chips and chocolate cake. I have been exercising regularly but thats not helping anymore because of the excess food Im consuming. I need to couple it with a few weeks of focused eating-with-awareness.

So Im seriously starting my diet plan from today, not tomorrow. My sister helped me lose weight last time with a 1500 calorie diet plan she had got from somewhere; Ill just try to remember her diet plan and follow that. My target is to just lose the extra mass to fit back into that shirt.
Today Ive checked all I have in the fridge and have made a list (lists always help me) of the food to avoid and to eat today.

Today I must NOT eat these:

Leftover spaghetti and scalloped potatoes

Last night's kabab roll

Nimco's crinkly chilli chips that I had been nibbling

Chocolate cake sent by someone 

Chocolates, also sent by someone

More chocolates 
Some more chocolates

Homemade gajar ka halwa

Today's Meal Plan

 DAY 1: SATURDAY, 21.2.2015
9.00 am
Coffee with milk. Coffee for increased metabolism and milk for my dairy intake of the day. Ive started    taking full cream milk now because I felt the skimmed milk was making my skin look rookha sookha and also of course because the coffee just wouldnt get frothy.

9.30 am
Boiled egg. No to salt, yes to black pepper. Egg for the rotein and increased metabolism and black pepper for the flavor and increased metabolism.
10.00 am
A couple of bair. Full of nutrition and energy.
11.00 am
Fresh yogurt with dates and nuts. A refreshing energy booster.
12 noon

A giant slab of chapli kabab from the protein pyramid, with half a roti.
I have an early lunch to avoid hunger pangs that can lead to famished overeating.
1 00 pm
A qahva of ginger and cinnamon to burn off the chapli kabab.
2 00 pm
A salad of carrot, cucumber, tomato, green pepper, cauliflower florets, cabbage, lettuce (all metabolism boosters) with a light dressing of olive oil (a good oil) and lemon juice (a metabolism booster) that will not defeat the purpose of the salad.
3 00 pm
Some pieces of boiled sweet potato (a good weight loss filler).
4 00 pm
A clear soup made from a small piece of chicken, tomato, carrot and cabbage leaf. Ill add a dash of lemon, tobacco sauce and white pepper (metabolism and taste boosters) using a friends recipe.
5 00 pm
A serving of fruit for energy and fibre.
6 00 pm
Tea or green tea, depending on my mood and need.
7 00 pm
An early dinner of aloo gosht (protiens and some carbs), half a roti and kachumar.
9 00 pm
A tablespoon of ispaghol mixed in a glass of water.

 I usually have an earlier start but today was a gorgeous Saturday morning so I snoozed in bed. (Snoozing is sometimes more fun than actual sleeping because youre kind of awake to enjoy the fact that youre sleeping.) Since I got up late and missed my exercise, I can manage with a slightly less amount of food.

·         This is just a guideline which I will naturally adjust to maintain good health, stamina and temper.
·         I have already adjusted from mindless overeating to a controlled calorie intake, so this should be easy for me to follow.
·         I keep a weeks supply of dates, nuts, salad, fruit and small chicken pieces (for clear soup) and prepare the days meals in advance so that I dont binge on junk food when I get hungry.
·         I keep eating small portions often to not reach hunger point.
·         I take prescription multivitamins and supplements.
·         My medical tests are clear.
·         It helps and inspires me when my family and friends also eat healthy and exercise.
·         It certainly costs less to eat junk food than to eat healthy food.

·         I hope I do not cave in to that chocolate cake.

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